Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Long live the king

"Impossible is nothing"

Clay courtier from Spain, southpaw who is natural right hander, Declined move to Barcelona for state funded tennis program, never went to US for training ........ All this does sound to be bit too much for career grand slam winner. Well this is the world of Rafael Nadal and anything is possible if he puts his heart to it.

I have been following Rafa since 2005 when he first burst on the scene with a hard fought loss to Hewitt in Australian open. back then he was great athlete who can run balls down from all around the park. Then he defeated Federer in Dubai and people started taking note of the guy.

One constant thing which i observed about him is his ability to adapt and improve. He become undisputed king of clay by 2006. But that was not enough he wanted more. On his loss to Federer in 2007 Wimbledon final, i told one good friend of mine (who is a Federer fan) Nadal is not even returning serves well, he will improve and that thought of him progressing further must be giving scare to all his compatriots. Come next year; he actually did all of it to win Wimbledon and Australian Open.

2009 was rather injury ridden year for him which made many doubt will he be ever be the same. The answer was no......... He came back even better. Won French and Wimbledon this year.

Nadal has no real liking for hard courts. But he has adapted. U.S. Open in particular has a very fast surface which makes it even tougher for him to win. For years U.S Open is one place where Nadal has failed to turn up in full health. He perennially broke down by this time of the season. This is like a final frontier for Nadal. Win here will give him immortality. Time seemed to be running out with Murray and Djoker's emergence.

This year everything fell into its place. For first time he was fit. That gave some hope. He had worked on a great fast serve which was missing. His draw was rather easy and with upset of Andy Murray it got even better. In U.S Open final I was kind of hopping for Federer to turn up as Rafa has a strangle hold on him. But Djoker came in and spoiled it for Nadal. Djoker had won 3 pervious meeting without dropping a set against Nadal on hard court. That is some form to be worried for Nadal. But bit jaded Djoker and inspired Nadal did the trick in the final. Nadal won rather comfortably.

When he was serving for the match in fourth. he went up 30-0 and we all could be tears welling up. It was too emotional for him to control. For me who has followed him over the years was everything emotional too.

I now eagerly wait for Australian Open where I know Rafa will go for a "Rafa slam".

Thanks Rafa for giving everyone hope and belief that we all can dream and make them come true in this lifetime. VAMOS RAFA.